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Lost Rivers (Arco and Mackay) September 23-25, 2014
Design Sparks Rural Development: Rural places are emerging as hot spots for community design. Learn how your community can get in the game with this webinar recording, featuring Emily Pilloton of Project H along with Mark Rembert and Taylor Stuckert of Energize Clinton County. Go to http://www.communitymatters.org/event/design-rural-community-development?mc_cid=3be1f1796d&mc_eid=332ff2b438.
The Idaho Humanities Council provides grant funding for projects and events related to history, culture, and identity. Go to www.idahohumanities.org. 208-345-5346.
Idaho State Historical Society’s Community Enhancement grants can fund interpretive signage, brochures, and history-related audio and video projects. Go to http://history.idaho.gov/community-enhancement-grants. Keith Peterson, keith.peterson@history.idaho.gov, 208-882-1540.
To see the visitors guide and video tour created by the City of Glenns Ferry, go to http://glennsferryidaho.org/visitors-guide-and-tour/.
Main Street: When a Highway Runs Through It is an excellent book published in 1999 by the Oregon Department of Transportation to educate communities about pedestrian safety and community design associated with highways within city limits. http://www.contextsensitivesolutions.org/content/reading/main-street/resources/main-street-when-a-highway/.
ArtPlace is an organization working to accelerate creative place making in the United States offers grants to projects that involve arts organizations, artists, and designers working in partnership with local and national partners to make transformative impact on community vibrancy. Go to http://www.artplaceamerica.org/.
Idaho Commission on the Arts offers grants for a variety of arts-related projects, including murals and arts education. Go to http://www.arts.idaho.gov/. Contact Michelle Coleman, Michelle.Coleman@arts.idaho.gov, 208-334-2119.
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is offering Our Town grants to support creative placemaking projects that contribute towards the livability of communities and help transform them into lively, equitable, and resilient places with the arts at their core. The Our Town program supports arts engagement, cultural planning, and design projects. The NEA is also offering a new project category this year, funding up to five projects carried out by arts or design service organizations, or other national or regional membership organizations, that provide technical assistance to those doing place-based work. The goal is to expand the knowledge base about creative placemaking to their members and the field. Go to http://arts.gov/grants-organizations/our-town/application-calendar.
University of Idaho Extension Specialist, Lorie Higgins developed the Two Degrees Northwest artisan trail guide for nine counties in north central Idaho and southeastern Washington to help visitors locate place-based businesses (“place-based” means tied to place – this kind of development can’t be off shored). Go to http://www.2dnw.org/. Contact Lori Higgins, Director, 208-885-9717, Higgins@uidaho.edu.
The Blue Cross Foundation Grant program funds, among other things, community walking and biking trails. Go to http://www.bcidahofoundation.org/.
Idaho Health & Welfare Community Activity Connection Grants. Go to http://www.healthandwelfare.idaho.gov/Health/IdahoPhysicalActivityandNutrition(IPAN)/PhysicalActivity/tabid/1970/Default.aspx and http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/downloads/UrbanDesignPolicies.pdf.
Idaho Smart Growth (ISG) provides assistance to communities working to become more walkable and bikable as they grow. Go to www.idahosmartgrowth.org. Contact Deanna Smith or Elaine Clegg at 208-333-8066. Go here for a copy of ISG’s Safe Routes to School Local Policy Handbook and Best Practices for Idaho: http://www.idahosmartgrowth.org/app/uploads/2014/05/safe_routes_to_school_bp_final-compressed.pdf.
The Idaho Department of Transportation (ITD) has a website with information and links to ITD initiatives related to bicycling and walking, tips and resources for bicycling and walking in Idaho, information on how bicycle and pedestrian projects are implemented, as well as useful links to other organizations that are committed to bicycle and pedestrian mobility. Go to http://itd.idaho.gov/bike_ped/proposals.htm and http://itd.idaho.gov/bike_ped/FundingGuide2013.pdf.
ITD also publishes a funding catalog of federal, state, and local funding opportunities for transit, bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The catalog also includes technical assistance grant opportunities for strategic and comprehensive planning. Go to http://itd.idaho.gov/bike_ped/Funding%20Guide.pdf.
The Local Highway Technical Assistance Council provides assistance regarding transportation planning and funding to local jurisdictions in rural Idaho. Contact lhtac@lhtac.org or 208-344-0565.
Idaho Walk Bike Alliance. Go to http://idahowalkbike.org/. Call 208-286-1628.
For information about youth tours of INL facilities including EBR-1, Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES), and Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL), contact Jane Strong, INL Communications and Government Affairs, 208-526-4098, jane.strong@inl.gov.
For information about internships at INL, contact Erin Hanson, INL Internships, 208-526-0318 or erin.hanson@inl.gov.
Destination Development International is a community branding and tourism consulting firm based in Seattle offering several branding-related workshops, trainings, and a resource book entitled “Your Town: A Destination” (http://tinyurl.com/7v5l6h9). Notes from a presentation by one of the book’s co-authors is available here: http://tinyurl.com/6mchhtp. Additional contact information: http://www.destinationdevelopment.com, Roger Brooks, 206-241-4770.
Teton Valley, Idaho Falls, Cascade, and Caldwell are four Idaho communities that have completed processes or planning related to branding. Teton County: Reid Rogers, Teton Valley Chamber, 208-354-2500, wwa@pdt.net; Idaho Falls: Robb Chiles, Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce, 208-523-1010. rchiles@idahofallschamber.org; Cascade: Katrin or Ashley Thompson, Ashley Inn, 208-382-5621.
Red Lodge, Montana (www.redlodge.com), Door County, Wisconsin (http://www.doorcounty,com/), and Methow Valley, Washington (http://www.methow.com/about_links.php) are three places outside Idaho that have benefitted from community branding efforts.
Wayfinding: The Value of Knowing How to Get There is an article on wayfinding published by the American Society of Landscape Architects in 2011. Go to http://www.asla.org/ppn/Article.aspx?id=33861.
For an overview of wayfinding design principles, go to http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/infoarch/publications/mfoltz-thesis/node8.html.
The International Downtown Association offers webinars and other tools related to wayfinding. Go to https://www.idadowntown.org/eweb/dynamicpage.aspx?webcode=ISAWayfinding.
Excerpts from the Urban Wayfinding Planning and Implementation Manual is available here: http://www.signs.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=OgUOP7EmZxU%3d&tabid=1446.
The USDA Rural Development Community Facilities (CF) Program has a limited amount of grant funds available to assist in the development of essential community facilities (including infrastructure, streets, roads, and bridges) in rural areas and towns of up to 20,000 in population. Grants are authorized on a graduated scale. Applicants located in small communities with low populations and low incomes will receive a higher percentage of grants. Grants are available to public entities such as municipalities, counties, parishes, boroughs, and special-purpose districts, as well as non-profit corporations and tribal governments. Contact Dale Lish, dale.lish@id.usda.gov, 208-785-5840, ext 119.
For additional Rural Funding Resources see http://ric.nal.usda.gov/Rural-Federal-Funding-Database. Also see A Guide to Funding Resources is available here: http://www.nal.usda.gov/ric/ricpubs/fundguide.html.
The Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota publishes a Gravel Road Maintenance and Design Manual. Go to http://www.mnltap.umn.edu/publications/videos/gravelroadmaintenance/.
The Transportation Research Board publishes resources related to selecting chemical treatments for unpaved roads. Go to http://docs.trb.org/prp/14-3437.pdf.
HUD’s 203(k) Rehab Mortgage Insurance: Section 203(k) insurance enables homebuyers and homeowners to finance the purchase (or refinancing) of a house and the cost of its rehabilitation through a single mortgage. Where homes don’t require structural work or new additions, FHA's Streamlined 203(k) program permits homebuyers and homeowners to finance up to $35,000 into their mortgage to repair, improve, or upgrade their home. Go to http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/housing/sfh/203k.
HUD’s Good Neighbor Next Door Program: Law enforcement officers, pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade teachers, firefighters and emergency medical technicians can contribute to community revitalization while becoming homeowners through HUD's Good Neighbor Next Door Sales Program. HUD offers a substantial incentive in the form of a discount of 50% from the list price of the home. In return you must commit to live in the property for 36 months as your sole residence. Communities contact their local HUD Office to collaborate on identifying and designating revitalization areas. Once designated, eligible Single Family homes located in revitalization areas are listed exclusively for sale through the Good Neighbor Next Door Sales program. Properties are available for purchase through the program for seven days. Go to http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/housing/sfh/reo/goodn/gnndabot.
HUD’s HOME Program: This program helps to expand the supply of decent, affordable housing for low- and very low-income families by providing a formula grant to the Idaho Housing and Financing Association (IHFA). IHFA uses their HOME grants to fund housing programs that meet local needs and priorities. IHFA may use their HOME funds to help renters, new homebuyers, or existing homeowners. Go to http://www.idahohousing.com/ihfa/grant-programs/home-program.aspx.
Tax Credits: The Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) Program is based on Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code. Its purpose is to provide the private market with an incentive to invest in affordable rental housing. Federal housing tax credits are awarded through IHFA to developers of qualified projects. Developers then sell these credits to investors to raise capital (or equity) for their projects, which reduces the debt that the developer would otherwise have to borrow. Because the debt is lower, a tax credit property can in turn offer lower, more affordable rents. Go to http://www.idahohousing.com/ihfa/multifamily-housing/low-income-housing-tax-credits-lihtc.aspx.
USDA RD’s Rural Repair and Rehabilitation Loan and Grant: The Very Low-Income Housing Repair program provides loans and grants to very low-income homeowners to repair, improve, or modernize their dwellings or to remove health and safety hazards. Rural Housing Repair and Rehabilitation Grants are funded directly by the Government. A grant is available to dwelling owner/occupant who is 62 years of age or older. Funds may only be used for repairs or improvements to remove health and safety hazards, or to complete repairs to make the dwelling accessible for household members with disabilities. Go to http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/HAD-RR_Loans_Grants.html.
USDA RD’s Rural Housing Guaranteed Loan: Applicants for loans may have an income of up to 115% of the median income for the area. Area income limits for this program are here. Families must be without adequate housing, but be able to afford the mortgage payments, including taxes and insurance. In addition, applicants must have reasonable credit histories. Go to http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/HAD-Guaranteed_Housing_Loans.html.
USDA RD’s Rural Housing Direct Loan: Section 502 loans are primarily used to help low-income individuals or households purchase homes in rural areas. Funds can be used to acquire, build (including funds to purchase and prepare sites and to provide water and sewage facilities), repair, renovate or relocate a home. Go to http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/HAD-Direct_Housing_Loans.html.
Center for Community Progress’ Technical Assistance Scholarship Program (TASP): TASP is designed to bring significant technical assistance (TA) within reach of communities working to reclaim neighborhoods from vacancy and abandonment, while piloting new solutions to advance the field as a whole. Go to http://www.communityprogress.net/technical-assistance-scholarship-program-pages-462.php.
HUD’s Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control (LHC) and the Lead Hazard Reduction (LHRD) Grant Programs: The purpose of the LHC and the LHRD grant programs is to identify and control lead-based paint hazards in eligible privately owned housing for rental or owner-occupants. Go to http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/healthy_homes.
HUD’s Healthy Homes Demonstration Grant Program: This program develops, demonstrates, and promotes cost-effective, preventive measures for identifying and correcting residential health and safety hazards. The Notice of Funding Availability is published online. Go to http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/healthy_homes.
Blueprint for Action to Prevent Childhood Exposure to Lead: National Center for Healthy Housing released this report that describes the actions the government, advocates, and the private sector must take to protect children from a disease that affects over a half-million children. Go to http://cirrus.mail-list.com/healthyhomesnet/68705941.html and http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/healthy_homes/healthyhomes/lead.
NCHH Launches New Resource Library: Healthcare Financing of Healthy Homes. The National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) launched a new suite of online resources to help public health and housing agencies understand and identify opportunities to partner with healthcare entities in the provision of better quality housing. The new resource library consolidates the vast array of informational resources on healthy housing and healthcare financing into a one-stop location. Users can learn about strategies for financing healthy homes activities (such as asthma trigger management and lead poisoning prevention) through read real-world case studies, information about emerging opportunities, and links to relevant resources and background materials. Go to http://nchh.org/Resources/HealthcareFinancing.aspx.
Healthy Homes Training: HUD, in collaboration with the EPA and through the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH), offers technical assistance and training to individuals, contractors, state and local health and housing departments, nonprofit organizations, insurance companies, real estate developers, and others interested in lead poisoning prevention and methods for lead hazard control, IPM and radon education, and other healthy housing issues. Additionally, NCHH operates the National Healthy Homes Training Center and Network, a partnership that brings together public health and housing practitioners to promote practical and cost-effective methods for making homes healthier through the use of the Seven Principles of Healthy Housing. It also serves as a forum for exchanging information on new research and best practices. Go to http://www.healthyhomestraining.org/.
Moving or Razing Homes: The following articles highlight successes other communities had in removing blight and balancing their housing markets:
Blighted Cities Prefer Razing to Rebuilding. Go to http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/12/us/blighted-cities-prefer-razing-to-rebuilding.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0.
Detroit fights blight by selling off vacant homes. Go to http://bigstory.ap.org/article/detroit-fights-blight-selling-vacant-homes.
Watch the first demolition in Flint's $20.1 million teardown program. Go to http://www.mlive.com/news/flint/index.ssf/2013/10/watch_the_barth_street_beginni.html.
Technical Assistance Scholarship Program (TASP): The Center for Community Progress has launched the Technical Assistance Scholarship Program (TASP). TASP is designed to bring significant technical assistance (TA) within reach of communities working to reclaim neighborhoods from vacancy and abandonment, while piloting new solutions to advance the field as a whole. TASP recipients each receive up to 200 hours of direct technical assistance. A team of experts will work with recipients to assess, reform, develop, and/or implement systems to address large-scale vacancy and abandonment in their respective communities. With this program, Community Progress aims to develop innovative models and approaches that will not only serve the technical assistance recipient, but will also help to inform the stabilization and revitalization efforts of communities across the country. Questions about this program may be submitted to RFA@communityprogress.net with "RFA Question" in the email subject line. No phone calls. Go to http://action.communityprogress.net/p/salsa/web/common/public/signup?signup_page_KEY=7961.
Housing Assistance Council has a comprehensive collection of research, manuals, etc. Go to http://www.ruralhome.org.
The Local Initiatives Support Corporation is dedicated to helping community residents transform distressed neighborhoods into healthy and sustainable communities of choice and opportunity — good places to work, do business and raise children. LISC mobilizes corporate, government and philanthropic support to provide local community development organizations with loans, grants, technical assistance and other services. Go to http://www.lisc.org.
Through its Community Impact Grants program, the Home Depot Foundation provides awards up to $5,000 in the form of store gift cards for the purposes of housing modifications, repairs, and weatherization work. Special emphasis is placed on projects that benefit and/or involve veterans. Go to http://homedepotfoundation.org/page/applying-for-a-grant.
The Building Material Thrift Store in Hailey is run by the Wood River Land Trust. http://www.buildingmaterialthriftstore.org/Site/Welcome.html, 208-788-0014.
Fundable.org has ideas an examples for community cleanup fundraisers. Go to http://www.fundable.org/fundraising-ideas/community-cleanup-fundraisers/.
FHA's Streamlined 203(k) program permits homebuyers and homeowners to finance up to $35,000 into their mortgage to repair, improve, or upgrade their home. Go to http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/housing/sfh/203k/203kmenu.
USDA Rural Development offers grants and low interest loans to help low income property owners address maintenance needs. Go to http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/MO-fact504.html.
The Association of Idaho Cities may have model nuisance ordinances and enforcement strategies that could be shared with Lost Rivers Valley communities. Go to http://www.idahocities.org/.
The Citizens' Institute on Rural Design™ (CIRD) provides communities access to the resources they need to convert their own good ideas into reality. CIRD works with communities with populations of 50,000 or less, and offers annual competitive funding to as many as four small towns or rural communities to host a two-and-a-half day community design workshop. With support from a wide range of design, planning and creative placemaking professionals, the workshops bring together local leaders from non-profits, community organizations, and government to develop actionable solutions to the community's pressing design challenges. The community receives additional support through webinars, conference calls, and web-based resources. Go to http://rural-design.org/about. To start with, go to their website and sign-up for free email updates.
Boise Neighborhood Housing Services (BNHS) organizes both Paint the Town and Rake the Town events. BNHS has a long history of sharing and mentoring rural communities with similar events. Go to http://www.nhsid.org/what-we-do/paint-the-town-boise. Contact Lesley Krone, lkrone@nhsid.org, 208-258-6215.
Information about organizing a community clean-up fundraiser is found here: http://www.fundable.org/fundraising-ideas/community-cleanup-fundraisers/.
Kansas State University Extension publishes a free guidebook on conducting a community clean-up/fix-up campaign. Go to http://www.ksre.ksu.edu/bookstore/pubs/MF931.pdf.
Many Idaho cities have organized daylong or weeklong community clean-up events. Rathdrum, St. Anthony, Blackfoot, Post Falls, and Shelley are just a few examples. This list also includes two cities that might have a lot in common with Grand View — Idaho City and Melba. To see a slide show of a 2011 clean-up day in Idaho City, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eLLPF-pXm0.
The Friedman Airport in Sun Valley area has been working on improving public understanding of the airport as an economic driver and on improving passenger service from western metropolitan areas. Go to http://www.flysunvalleyalliance.com/documents/PRSunValleyrecievesfederalgrantfornewnonstopservice.pdf.
FAA funding and grant data is available at http://www.faa.gov/data_research/funding_grant/.
Bill Statham, Airport Planning and Development, Idaho Department of Transportation, 208-334-8784, bill.statham@itd.idahol.gov.
The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History in Albuquerque, NM may be able to provided assistance and advice regarding the development of the Idaho Science Center in Arco. The museum was established in 1969 as place to learn the story of the Atomic Age, from early research of nuclear development through today’s peaceful uses of nuclear technology. Visitors can explore how nuclear science continues to influence our world. The museum strives to present, through permanent and changing exhibits and displays, the diverse applications of nuclear energy in the past, present and future along with the stories of the field’s pioneers. It is a Smithsonian Affiliate and is accredited through the American Alliance of Museums. Go to http://www.nuclearmuseum.org/.
Dubois June 5-6, 2013
The Development Company’s revolving loan fund programs, SBA loans, and Microloan programs. Go to http://www.thedevco.net/ or call 208-356-4524.
- University of Idaho Extension’s “Open for Business” program is designed to bring business training to remote rural communities. Lorie Higgins, 208-885-9717, higgins@uidaho.edu.
- The Center for Rural Entrepreneurship uses webinars, publications, and other tools to share timely information and best practices on a variety of topics related to economic development in rural communities. Go to www.energizingentrepreneurs.org/site. “Innovative Approaches to Entrepreneurial Development: Cases from the Northwest Region” is one publication of interest. To read or download, go to http://www.energizingentrepreneurs.org/site/images/research/cp/cs/cs4.pdf.
- The Eastern Idaho Entrepreneurial Center (E Center) is a Rexburg-based nonprofit providing value-added business consulting through a network of local university students, government leaders, and business professionals. Go to http://www.idahoecenter.org/about/. Robert Pothier, Executive Director, 208-356-5009, r.pothier@idahoecenter.org.
- Fill-in-the-Blank Business Recruitment Workbook. This workbook was designed for downtown and commercial district revitalization organizations that want to improve the mix of businesses in their districts by helping existing businesses thrive, and by recruiting new businesses to fill gaps in the market. Go to: http://www.DowntownDevelopment.com/fibbr.php, 1-800-232-4317.
- The Entrepreneurs and Their Communities archived hour-long webinars available through University of Idaho Extension are focused on research-based best practices for supporting small businesses. Free webinars are ongoing. Go to http://www.extension.org/entrepreneurship.
- The Idaho Department of Commerce’s Idaho Gem Grant program provides funding for public infrastructure projects that support economic development. Examples of eligible activities include: construction materials, new and rehabilitative construction, architectural and engineering services, and property acquisition. Grant amounts are up to $50,000. Go to http://commerce.idaho.gov/communities/community-assistance/idaho-gem-grants/. Jerry Miller, jerry.miller@commerce.idaho.gov, 208-334-2470.
- An entire curriculum focused on building an entrepreneur friendly community is available through Ohio State University. Go to http://sustentrep.osu.edu/building-an-entrepreneur-friendly-community.
- A PowerPoint presentation titled Creating an Entrepreneurial Culture/Community by Deborah Markley. Go to www.agecon.purdue.edu/aicc/valueaddconf/PPT/5MARKLEY2.ppt.
- The Southern Rural Development Center offers a self-paced training on web sites for small Hispanic businesses. Go to http://srdc.msstate.edu/ecommerce/curricula/hispanic_business/.
- GrowthWheel® helps entrepreneurs build their businesses through a simple action-oriented process that stays true to the way most entrepreneurs think and work. For the business advisor, the toolkit is a checklist to keep a 360° perspective and a way to save time by empowering the client company to do more work. For organizations, GrowthWheel establishes a common language for all advisors and clearly communicates what the consulting process offers. It is available through the Regional Development Alliance, Inc. and Region VI Small Business Development Center.
- Based at Boise State University, the Environmental Finance Center offers training assistance to help assess sustainability of utility rates and establishment of reserve funds. Go to http://efc.boisestate.edu/. Dave Eberle, Executive Director, 208-426-4110, weberle@boisestate.edu.
- Gem State Prospector, Idaho Department of Commerce. Go to http://gemstateprospector.com. Jerry Miller, 208-334-2470, jerry.miller@commerce.idaho.gov.
- Idaho Housing and Finance Association’s Idaho Collateral Support Program establishes pledged cash collateral accounts with a lending institution to enhance loan collateral for businesses in order to obtain financing on acceptable terms. Go to http://ihfa.org/ihfa/small-business-loan-programs.aspx. Cory Phelps, coryp@ihfa.org, 208-331-4725.
- USDA Rural Development, Business Programs, Dale Lish, Area Director, 208- 785-5840 ext. 119, dale.lish@id.usda.gov.
- Idaho National Laboratory’s Technical Assistance Program provides technical expertise to state and local government, and regional small businesses. The requesting organization can receive, at no cost to it, up to 40 hours of laboratory employee time to address technical needs that cannot readily be met by commercially available resources in the region. Go to http://tinyurl.com/992ayxe. Stephanie Cook, Stephanie.cook@inl.gov, 208-526-1644.
- Best practices and lessons can be learned from several business and industrial parks in eastern Idaho. Examples include such parks in Rexburg, Sugar City, and Idaho Falls.
- Wealth Creation and Rural Livelihoods is a learning network of practitioners, researchers, and policy makers focused on creating and sustaining rural wealth. Go to http://www.ruralwealth.org.
- The Yellowstone Business Partnership is a nonprofit organization helping businesses in the region operate more sustainably and support each other. Go to http://www.yellowstonebusiness.org/ or call 406-522-7809.
- The Truckee, California-based Sierra Business Council takes concepts from academia, politics, and think tanks and innovates practical ways to apply them as on-the-ground action for rural areas. This is a model for other rural areas to follow on their path to sustainability. Go to http://sierrabusiness.org/.
- The Idaho Department of Agriculture offers a free handbook titled Starting a Specialty Foods Business. To download, go to http://agri.state.id.us/Categories/Marketing/Documents/specialtyfoodbook.pdf.
- USDA’s Value Added Producer Grant program provides funding to help eligible independent producers of agricultural commodities, agricultural producer groups, farmer and rancher cooperatives, and majority-controlled producer-based business ventures develop business plans for viable marketing opportunities and develop strategies to create marketing opportunities. VAPG grants facilitate greater participation in emerging markets and new markets for value-added products. Go to http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/rbs/coops/vadg.htm.
- USDA’s Farmer’s Market Promotion Program (FMPP) offers grants to help improve and expand domestic farmers’ markets, roadside stands, community supported agriculture programs, agri-tourism activities, and other producer-to-consumer market opportunities. Go to http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/FMPP.
- National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Main Street Program. Go to http://www.nationaltrust.org/community/resources.html and http://www.mainstreet.org/; 202-588-6219, mainstreet@nthp.org, Info@savingplaces.org
- Western Office National Trust for Historic Preservation. Go to www.PreservationNation.org, Sheri Freemuth, AICP, Program Officer, P.O. Box 9107, Boise, ID 83707, 208-891-4121, sheri_freemuth@nthp.org.
- The City of Nampa created a revolving loan fund for restoring building facades in its historic downtown. Go to http://ci.nampa.id.us/downloads/30/FA%C3%87ADE%20IMPROVEMENT%20PROGRAM.doc.
- “Organizing a Successful Downtown Revitalization Program Using the Main Street Approach” is a book available through the Washington Department of Trade and Economic Development. Go to http://www.commerce.wa.gov/_cted/documents/ID_160_Publications.pdf.
- RampUpIdaho is a new effort being developed by a group of folks representing transportation, business, housing, government, economic development and accessibility. The group is planning to compile a list of resources and outline a simple rationale for businesses, chambers of commerce, and other groups to begin thinking more strategically and collaboratively about access. Contact info@rampupidaho.org for more information.
- Based in Idaho Falls, the Regional Development Alliance, Inc. is a private, non-traditional business finance corporation that manages a sizeable regional business investment fund and a micro business loan program. Go to http://www.rdaidaho.org/. Tim Solomon, Executive Director, tim@rdaidaho.org, 208-528-9400.
- eXtension’s Entrepreneurs and Their Communities is a website where a large variety of articles, archived webinars, and other forms of training and assistance are available to economic development leaders and entrepreneurs. Go to http://www.extension.org/entrepreneurshi.
- Center for Rural Affairs. Go http://www.cfra.org/renrewrural/entrepreneurial-communities
- “A Town In NY Creates Its Own Department Store” is an article published in the 11/13/2011 New York Times. Go to http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/13/business/a-town-in-new-york-creates-its-own-department-store.html?scp=1&sq=saranac&st=cse&_r=0.
- “Community-Owned Businesses” is a blog devoted to providing resources to help communities and community organizations create businesses. Go to http://communitybusinesses.blogspot.com/.
- Some communities have used New Markets Tax Credits to rehabilitate historic buildings, which then become the cornerstones of their downtowns. Christine Jarski from the Idaho Department of Commerce is a resource for NMTC. Her contact information is: Christine.jarski@commerce.idaho.gov or (208) 334-2470. The National Park Service has a historic tax credit that can be paired with New Market Tax Credit. Go to: http://www.nps.gov/tps/tax-incentives.htm.
- The HUD Hope VI Main Street grant program provides grants to small communities to assist in the renovation of a historic or traditional central business district or “Main Street” area by replacing unused commercial space in buildings with affordable housing units. The objectives of the program are to redevelop Main Street areas, preserve historic or traditional architecture or design features in Main Street areas, enhance economic development efforts in Main Street areas, and provide affordable housing in Main Street areas. Go to http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=235258 or contact Jerry Royster from HUD at: jerry.royster@hud.gov.
- Idaho Department of Labor, Rexburg Office. Brandon Moffat, Manager, 208-557-2501.
- Sharon Deal, Idaho Department of Commerce for the Block Grant programs, Sharon.deal@commerce.idaho.gov and Christine Jarski at the Idaho Department of Commerce for other grant resources, Christine.jarski@commerce.idaho.gov. Both can be reached at 208-334-2650.
- Energy Efficiency Research Institute (CEERI) based at Boise State University is a project of the Center for Advanced Energy Studies. It provides student engineers from BSU, University of Idaho, and Idaho State University who conduct industrial assessments and full energy efficiency evaluations. Go to http://ceeri.boisestate.edu/.
- Rocky Mountain Power provides energy efficiency evaluations. Contact Glen Pond, glen.pond@rockymountainpower.net, 208-359-4285.
- The CHS Foundation invests in the future of rural America, agriculture and cooperative business through education and leadership development. The Foundation's funding focuses on the following program areas: cooperative education, rural youth leadership development, farm and agricultural safety, returning value to rural communities, and university partnerships. Go to http://www.chsfoundation.org/about.html.
- The USDA Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) funds projects dealing with agriculturally related manufacturing and alternative and renewable energy technologies. Go to http://www.nifa.usda.gov/fo/sbir.cfm.
- Seattle-based Destination Development International offers consultation, educational webinars, and newsletter all focused on helping communities achieve goals related to branding, wayfinding, and tourism marketing. Go to http://www.rogerbrooksinternational.com/.
- Among other things, the nonprofit Kansas Sampler Foundation provides communities in that state with information and assistance related to tourism. Go to http://www.kansassampler.org/rce/.
- Examples of efforts to market the Yellowstone-Grand Teton and the Northern Rockies include: www.myyellowstonepark.com and www.drivethetop10.com. Both sites provide information that supports trip planning.
- For an example of an event in Michigan that builds on local food, art, and heritage, go to http://www.artsandeats.org/index.html.
- University of Idaho Extension Specialist, Lorie Higgins, developed an artisan trail guide for nine counties in north central Idaho and southeastern Washington to help visitors locate place-based businesses (“place-based” means tied to place – this kind of development can’t be offshore). Lorie is available for consultation if Dubois and Spence residents determine this kind of rural development strategy is appropriate. For more information about Two Degrees Northwest, go to www.2dnw.org.
- Idaho Travel Council Grant Program. Chambers of Commerce are a target audience for this program. Funded through the hotel/motel tax, these grants can be used to build websites and promote community events. Go to http://commerce.idaho.gov/tourism-grants-and-resources/itc-grant-application-process/. ReNea Nelson, 208-334-2650, ext 2161, Renea.Nelson@tourism.idaho.gov.
- The Idaho Division of Tourism Development offers assistance and information to tourism-related businesses. Go to http://commerce.idaho.gov/tourism-grants-and-resources/web-resources/, 208-334-2470.
- Regional travel councils around the state provide good examples of coordinated efforts to promote place-based or cultural tourism. Specific examples in relatively rural areas of the state include the Lava Hot Springs-based Pioneer Country Travel Council in southeast Idaho (go to http://www.seidaho.org/) and North Central Idaho Travel Association based in Lewiston (go to http://www.visitnorthcentralidaho.org/).
- Partners in Tourism is a coalition of national organizations and agencies with an interest in cultural heritage tourism. The coalition maintains an excellent electronic clearinghouse that includes information about best practices, success stories, guiding principles, funding sources, and additional resources. Go to http://www.culturalheritagetourism.org/index.html.
- The Sierra Nevade Geotourism Project contributes to the economic health of the region by promoting sustainable tourism and is a partnership between Sierra Business Council, Sierra Nevada Conservancy and the National Geographic Society. Go to http://sierrabusiness.org/what-we-do/projects/356-sierra-nevada-geotourism.
- Host a luncheon or meeting for business owners that features a showing of the “Maps, Apps, and Mobile Media Marketing” webinar available through University of Idaho Extension, then work together to help each other learn about and access the many resources provided in the presentation. Go to http://www.extension.org/pages/16076/etc-webinar-archive.
- South Central Idaho Tourism and Recreation at the College of Southern Idaho can possibly offer customer service training. Debbie Dane, 208-732-5569, ddane@csi.edu.
- The Idaho Humanities Council provides grant funding for projects and events related to history, culture, and identity. Go to www.idahohumanities.org. 208-345-5346.
- Idaho State Historical Society’s Community Enhancement grants can fund interpretive signage, brochures, and history-related audio and video projects. Go to http://history.idaho.gov/community-enhancement-grants. Keith Peterson, keith.peterson@history.idaho.gov, 208-882-1540.
- Tourism Cares is a non-profit offering grants and technical assistance for the preservation, conservation and restoration of cultural and historic sites and visitor education. Go to http://www.tourismcares.org/.
- The Idaho Recreational Vehicle (RV) Program is a grant program that helps public entities develop RV facilities. Go to http://parksandrecreation.idaho.gov/idaho-recreational-vehicle-rv-program.
- Energy Performance Contracting is a performance-based procurement method and financial mechanism for building renewal whereby utility bill savings that result from the installation of new building systems (reducing energy use) pay for the cost of the building renewal project. A "Guaranteed Energy Savings" Performance Contract includes language that obligates the contractor, a qualified Energy Services Company (ESCO), to pay the difference if at any time the savings fall short of the guarantee. Go to http://energyperformancecontracting.org/.
Nez Perce/Lapwai June 12-14, 2012
- Destination Development International is a Seattle-based tourism and branding consulting firm offering training, services, and a resource book titled Your Town: A Destination. Go to http://tinyurl.com/7v5I6h9. Additional contact information at www.destinationdevelopment.com.
- Teton Valley, Idaho Falls, and Cascade are Idaho communities that have completed processes of planning related to community branding. Teton County: Teton Valley Chamber of Commerce, 208.354.2500; Idaho Falls, Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce, 208.523.1010; Cascade, Katrin or Ashley Thompson, 208.382.5621.
- Graffiti Hurts is an organization providing information and funding related to graffiti prevention and abatement. For list of community best practices and other resources, go to http://www.graffitihurts.org/community/bestpractices.jsp.
- Communications and Relationships Between Reservation American Indians and Non-Indians from Neighboring Communities is a 1997 report prepared for the American Indian Research and Policy Institute by John Poupart and Tracy Becker. November 1997. Go to http://www.americanindianpolicycenter.org/research/relation.html.
- Cross Cultural Circles: What We Have Learned in Indian Country is a publication of The Center for Restorative Justice based in Rapid City, SD. Go to http://www.iirp.edu/pdf/beth06_boernke1.pdf, 605.348.3665, cfrj@rushmore.com.
- Fostering Dialogue Across Divides: A Nuts and Bolts Guide from the Public Conservations Project. This is an excellent 2006 publication available to download or purchase at http://www.publicconversations.org/node/99.
- Two Rivers is a documentary film that tells the story of an effort to increase understanding and appreciation between Native and non-Native people in north central Washington State. Go to http://www.tworiversfilm.com/. Contact John Grosvenor, Nespelem, WA, johng@dishmail.net, 509.634.4155.
- Free Land is a dynamic hip-hop theater solo project written and performed by Oakland-based artist Ariel Luckey. Intended to educate and encourage cross-cultural dialogue (especially high school and college age young people), Free Land follows a young white man’s search for his roots as it takes him from the streets of Oakland to the prairies of Wyoming. “Free Land weaves spoken word poetry, acting, dance and hip hop music into a compelling performance that challenges us to take an unflinching look at the truth buried in the land beneath our feet”. Go to http://www.freelandproject.com/. Ariel Luckey, 510.287.6406, skylight@arielluckey.com.
- There may be opportunities to increase non-Native participation in the annual Native American Awareness Week at Lewis-Clark State College. Bob Sobotta, director of LCSC Native American/Minority Student Services, 208.792.2858, bsobotta@lcsc.edu.
- Potentially, lessons about cross cultural understanding and respect can be learned from the Nez Perce Tribe’s own Tamkaliks Celebration held annually in Wallowa, Oregon.
- Idaho Human Rights Education Center. Go to http://www.idaho-humanrights.org/, 208.345.0304, info@idaho-humanrights.org.
- The Idaho Inclusiveness Coalition is a nonprofit organization working to foster diverse and inclusive communities in Idaho. Go to www.idahoincludes.org.
- Northwest Community Development Institute is a three-year training program designed to develop community leaders. Students who complete the program receive a Professional Community and Economic Development Certification. Go to https://secure.meetingsystems.com/nwcdi/. Gloria Mabbutt at 208-334-2650 ext. 2139 or gloria.mabbutt@commerce.idaho.gov.
- Heartland Center for Leadership Development is a Lincoln, Nebraska-based organizations offering on-site and web-based educational opportunities related to community leadership, strategic planning, consensus building, and other topics related to community and economic development. Go to http://www.heartlandcenter.info/.
- Rural Development Institute (RDI) is a Eugene, Oregon-based nonprofit organization that helps towns and rural partnerships develop and diversify their economies by creating inclusive, long-term strategies and identifying and managing crucial projects. They conduct community trainings on leadership, building effective organizations, and other topics. Go to http://www.rdiinc.org, 208.954.9564.
- A number of Idaho communities have developed or are in the process of developing nonprofit community foundations to facilitate community-based planning, fundraising, and volunteer efforts. Kamiah, Soda Springs, New Meadows, and Driggs/Teton Valley are just a few examples.
- Idaho Nonprofit Center. Go to www.idahononprofits.org, 208.424.2229.
- Idaho Community Foundation. Go to http://www.idcomfdn.org/, 208.342.3535.
- A Native Leadership Perspective: Creating a Leadership System in Native Communities is a paper written by consultant Al Nygaard of Al Nygaard Consulting, a Native American-owned firm specializing in culturally sensitive approaches to management, planning, and development. Go to http://www.alnygardconsulting.com/A%20Native%20Leadership%20Perspective.pdf.
- A Positive Revolution in Change: Appreciative Inquiry, by David Cooperrider and Diane Whitney, Case Western Reserve University, 1999. For a copy of this paper, go to http://appreciativeinquiry.case.edu.
- Resources related to volunteerism:
Silver Valley September 13-15, 2011
- South Central Idaho Tourism and Recreation at the College of Southern Idaho can possibly offer customer service training. Debbie Dane, 208-732-5569, ddane@csi.edu.
- University of Idaho Cooperative Extension and the Two Degrees Northwest program provides customer service training and information and assistance related to cultural tourism. Lorie Higgins, 208-885-9717, higgins@uidaho.edu.
- North Idaho Tourism Alliance, http://visitnorthidaho.com, Michael Sloan (current President), 208-267-0352, msloan@bonnersferry.id.gov.
- The Urban Institute publishes a free book titled “Culture and Commerce, Traditional Arts and Economic Development” that may be helpful in talking with business owners and others about supporting the arts. http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/410812_culture_and_commerce.pdf.
- Clearwater Basin Collaborative, www.clearwaterbasincollaborative.org.
- The Away Network helps travelers choose their next vacation destination and plan their trip by offering ideas and recommendations customized to their specific travel interest. www.away.com. See also related sites www.gorp.com and http://www.AdventureFinder.com.
- “Trail Towns: Capturing Trail-based Tourism” is a comprehensive manual for Pennsylvania communities created by the Allegheny Trail Alliance. It is available here: http://www.atatrail.org/docs/1TTManual.pdf.
- The Blaine County Recreation District maintains over 400 miles of bike and cross country ski trails, including the over 20-year old Wood River Rail-to-Trail from Bellevue to Ketchum in Blaine County. http://bcrd.org/, 208-578-2273, info@bcrd.org. These trails have become an economically important amenity.
- Friends of Pathways is a 20-year old nonprofit organization working to build an extensive network of multipurpose trails in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, http://www.friendsofpathways.org/, 307-733-4534, info@friendsofpathways.org.
- The Methow Valley Sport Trails Association is dedicated to developing and promoting environmentally sound recreation on or near the trails in the Methow Valley in northcentral Washington. This trail system includes over 200 kilometers of cross country ski trails in the winter months, and is recognized as one of the finest trail systems in North America for nordic skiing, mountain biking and hiking. http://www.mvsta.com/index2.html, 509-996-3287.
- Idaho Dept of Parks and Recreation, Kathy Muir, State and Federal Grant Manager, 208-514-2431, kathy.muir@idpr.idaho.gov. Leo Hennessy, Non-Motorized Trails Coordinator, 208-334-4180, ext 228, lhenness@idpr.idaho.gov.
- The Community Challenge Grant Program is coordinated with the Federal Partnership for Sustainable Communities and provides grant funding for projects that foster reform and reduction of barriers to achieving affordable, economically vital, and sustainable communities. Expanding and improving the Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes as a transportation corridor is an eligible use of this funding. http://tinyurl.com/cmnsfsx.
- For assistance regarding historic or backcountry byways, contact Don Davis, Senior Transportation Planner, Idaho Transportation Department, District 1, don.davis@itd.idaho.gov, 208-772-1274.
- TrekNow is a source of information for people interested in exploring backcountry roads and trails using G.P.S. technology. http://www.treknow.com/.
- Information about the Pioneer Historic Byway in Southeast Idaho is found here: http://www.pioneerhistoricbyway.org/.
- National Scenic Byway& All American Roads, http://www.bywaysonline.org.
- The on-line Idaho Vacation and Travel Guide includes a page that invites guest bloggers to share information and experiences from around the state. http://www.visitidaho.org/.
- Here is the website and blog created by North Star, a community branding consulting firm based in Tennessee: http://www.northstarideas.com/index.php.
- Destination Development International is a community branding and tourism consulting firm based in Seattle offering several branding-related workshops and trainings and a resource book entitled “Your Town: A Destination” (http://tinyurl.com/7v5l6h9). Notes from a presentation by one of the book’s co-authors is available here: http://tinyurl.com/6mchhtp. Additional contact information: http://www.destinationdevelopment.com, Roger Brooks, 206-241-4770.
- The State of Idaho’s Travel Council Grant program can help build local and regional tourism-related websites, other forms of marketing, and familiarization (or “FAM”) tours for journalists. These funds might help leverage other resources. http://commerce.idaho.gov/tourism-grants-and-resources/about-the-itc-grant-program/. ReNea Nelson, 208-334-2470, renea.nelson@tourism.idaho.gov.
- The Idaho Division of Tourism Development offers assistance and information to tourism-related businesses here: http://commerce.idaho.gov/tourism-grants-and-resources/web-resources/.
- The North Central Idaho Tourism Association has a comprehensive regional Website at http://www.visitnorthcentralidaho.org/.
- Teton Valley, Idaho Falls, and Cascade are Idaho communities that have completed processes or planning related to branding. Teton County: Reid Rogers, Teton Valley Chamber, 208-354-2500, wwa@pdt.net; Idaho Falls: Robb Chiles, Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce, 208-523-1010. rchiles@idahofallschamber.org; Cascade: Katrin or Ashley Thompson, Ashley Inn, 208-382-5621.
- The Sun Valley area is currently developing a branded marketing campaign that encourages communication between residents and visitors. Here is a link to an 11/8/2011 article in the Idaho Statesman newspaper: http://www.idahostatesman.com/2011/11/08/1869682/softest-of-sells-for-sun-valley.html.
- Red Lodge, Montana (www.redlodge.com), Door County, Wisconsin (http://www.doorcounty,com/) and Methow Valley, Washington (http://www.methow.com/about_links.php) are three places that have benefitted from community branding efforts.
- Idaho Commission on the Arts, Michelle Coleman, Community Development Director, 208-334-2119, ext. 112, michelle.coleman@arts.idaho.gov.
- Idaho Community Foundation, Lauren Tassos, Development Director, 208-342-3535, ltassos@idcomfdn.org.
- Similar-sized cities with active community foundations include Kamiah (Upper Clearwater Community Foundation, Debbie Evans, 208-935-0764, kamiahgrants@msn.com), Soda Springs (Greater Soda Springs Community Development Foundation, Trent Clark 208-547-4300, trent.l.clark@monsanto.com), and Ashton (Ashton Community Foundation, 623-693-2251).
- The Idaho Humanities Council provides grant funding to projects and events related to history, culture, and identity. www.idahohumanitiescouncil.org, 208-345-5346.
- The National Endowment for the Humanities provides grants in four funding areas: preserving and providing access to cultural resources, education, research, and public programs. NEH grants typically go to cultural institutions, such as museums, archives, libraries, colleges, universities, public television, and radio stations, and to individual scholars. http://www.neh.gov/whoweare/overview.html.
- Idaho State Historical Society, Keith Petersen, State Historian/Associate Director, North Idaho Office, 112 W. 4th Street, Suite # 7, Moscow, Idaho 83843, http://history.idaho.gov, 208-882-1540.
- “Smart Towns: A Guide to Downtown Revitalization”, Idaho Department of Commerce, 208-334-2470, www.idoc.state.id.us.
- National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Main Street Program, 202-588-6219, http://www.nationaltrust.org/community/resources.html and http://www.mainstreet.org/, mainstreet@nthp.org.
- Project for Public Spaces is a nonprofit planning, design, and educational organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces that build stronger communities. http://www.pps.org/.
- Western Office National Trust for Historic Preservation, www.PreservationNation.org, Sheri Freemuth, AICP, Program Officer, P.O. Box 9107, Boise, ID 83707, 208-891-4121, sheri_freemuth@nthp.org.
- The City of Nampa created a revolving loan fund for restoring building facades in its historic downtown. http://ci.nampa.id.us/downloads/30/FA%C3%87ADE%20IMPROVEMENT%20PROGRAM.doc.
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, Idaho Transportation Department, 208-344-8272
- The website of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center includes a page with detailed information about completing a walkability assessment or audit. http://www.walkinginfo.org/problems/audits.cfm.
- ‘Operation Facelift’ is a successful multi-community façade renovation project initiated by the Southern Idaho Economic Development Organization, www.southernidaho.org, 208-324-7408. Here is a news article on the project: http://tinyurl.com/3btu23h.
- Building Sustainable Communities Initiative, University of Idaho, http://www.bioregionalplanning.uidaho.edu/default.aspx, 208-885-7448, bioregionalplanning@uidaho.edu. This is a resource potentially applicable to many observations in this report related to sustainable economic development, downtown revitalization, and land use planning.
- Idaho Heritage Trust is a source of technical assistance and grant funding for renovation of historic buildings, http://www.idahoheritage.org/index.html, Katherine Kirk, 208-549-1778, IHT@idahoheritage.org.
New Meadows May 17-19, 2011
- Idaho Community Development Block Grant program, Dennis Porter, Community Development Manager, 208-334-2650, ext. 2145, dennis.porter@community.idaho.gov.
- “Main Street: When a Highway Runs Through It” is an excellent book published in 1999 by the Oregon Department of Transportation to educate communities about pedestrian safety and community design associated with highways within city limits. http://www.contextsensitivesolutions.org/content/reading/main-street/resources/main-street-when-a-highway/.
- Local Highway Technical Assistance Council, www.lhtac.org/, Lance Holmstrom, 208-344-0565, lholmstrom@lhtac.org.
- Idaho Transportation Department, District 3, 208-334-8300.
- “Smart Towns: A Guide to Downtown Revitalization”, Idaho Department of Commerce, 208-334-2470, www.idoc.state.id.us.
- National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Main Street Program, 202-588-6219, http://www.nationaltrust.org/community/resources.html and http://www.mainstreet.org/, mainstreet@nthp.org.
- Western Office National Trust for Historic Preservation, www.PreservationNation.org, Sheri Freemuth, AICP, Program Officer, P.O. Box 9107, Boise, ID 83707, 208-891-4121, sheri_freemuth@nthp.org.
- The City of Nampa created a revolving loan fund for restoring building facades in its historic downtown. http://ci.nampa.id
- Idaho Safe Routes to School program, Idaho Transportation Department, Josephine O’Connor, 208-334-4475, jo.o’connor@itd.idaho.gov.
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, Idaho Transportation Department, 208-344-8272
- National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program provides technical grants to assist with planning, design, and implementation of trails. http://www.ncrc.nps.gov/programs/rtca.
- This website describes how the City of Idaho Falls is using and funding crosswalk or pedestrian flags: http://www.communitypathways.com/?q=node/6. Many rural communities are using them.
- National Center for Safe Routes to School, http://www.saferoutesinfo.org/, 919-962-7412..
- us/downloads/30/FA%C3%87ADE%20IMPROVEMENT%20PROGRAM.doc.
- Farmers’ Markets and AgriTourism, Idaho State Department of Agriculture, Lacey Menasco, lmenasco@agri.idaho.gov.
- Farmer’s Market Promotion Program, www.ams.usda.gov/FMPP. Additional resources and funding opportunities: www.ams.usda.gov/farmersmarkets.
- Kamiah merchants accomplished a downtown revitalization when they adopted their Western Victorian theme 25 years ago. Greg Johnson of Johnson’s Jewelry, 208-935-2569, johnjewl@yahoo.com.
- The National Trust for Historic Preservation provides two types of financial assistance to non-profit organizations and public agencies: 1) matching grants from $500 to $5,000 for preservation planning and educational efforts, and 2) intervention funds for preservation emergencies. Matching grant funds may be used to obtain professional expertise in areas such as architecture, archeology, engineering, preservation planning, land-use planning, fund raising, organizational development, and law as well as to provide preservation education activities for the public. http://www.preservationnation.org/resources/find-funding/grants/.
- Idaho Commission on the Arts, Michelle Coleman, Community Development Director, 208-334-2119, ext. 112, michelle.coleman@arts.idaho.gov.
- This page on the Idaho Commission on the Arts website lists Idaho cities that have a ‘Percent for Art’ program: http://www.arts.idaho.gov/pa/palinks.aspx.
- The Urban Institute publishes a free book titled “Culture and Commerce, Traditional Arts and Economic Development” that may be helpful in talking with business owners and others about supporting the arts. http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/410812_culture_and_commerce.pdf.
- The National Endowment for the Arts provides tools and articles on strategic planning on their website. http://www.nea.gov/resources/Lessons/index.html.
- Framing Our Community Artist in the Woods Program, http://www.artistsinthewoods-org.doodlekit.com/home, Joyce Dearstyne Executive Director, 208-842-2939, joyce@framingourcommunity.org.
- Two Degrees Northwest: Where Art Meets the Land has a “Business of Art” training program designed to help artists and artisans develop business skills. www.2dnw.org, Lorie Higgins, 208-885-9717, Higgins@uidaho.edu.
- The Boundary County Museum in Bonners Ferry devotes some of its space to local artists. 208-267-7720, bcmuseum@meadowcrk.com.
- Idaho State Historical Society Community Grant Program http://history.idaho.gov/grants.html, Keith Petersen, State Historian, 208-882-1540, Keith.petersen@ishs.idaho.gov.
- Idaho Transportation Department Scenic Byway Program provides Federal Highway Administration funds to scenic byways that can include physical improvements to key attractions along the byway route. Here is the Idaho Scenic Byways 2010 Program Guide: http://itd.idaho.gov/planning/byways/scenic/Scenic_Byways_Program_Guide_2010.pdf. ITD Scenic Byways Program staff contact is Garry Young, 208-334-8214, garry.young@itd.idaho.gov.
- Idaho Dept of Transportation, Idaho Scenic Byways Advisory Committee for Federal Scenic Byway Discretionary funding, http://www.idahobyways.gov.
- Wendy McClure, University of Idaho Professor of Architecture, and her students completed a downtown revitalization plan for downtown New Meadows over 10 years ago. Contact her to explore the idea of an update. Wendy R. McClure, RA NCARB, 208-885-6473, wmcclure@uidaho.edu.
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